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Sean Gallagher has been an amateur film critic for so long he’s been wondering if he’s ever going to turn pro. He was also one of the last of a dying breed, video store clerks, having worked at three in the last 11 years, most recently at World of Video in Greenwich Village, where he worked for 8 1/2 years (he was a manager for the last 4), before it closed this past April. He has written for the fanzine CAPRA, wrote a video/DVD and movie column for The Moon Valley Tattler, a community newspaper in Arizona, and has blogged on LiveJournal and, as well as written comments on several movies on the IMdB and elsewhere. Currently, he is looking for a job that will either make use of his “useless” film knowledge, or a job that will make use of his other skills that also allows him to time to write this blog. He lives in Brooklyn, and can be reached at

  1. Hey Sean, I hope you saw my piece in the NYT on Tuesday about the World. Here’s the link, if you’d like to share it on your blog:

    – Billy Hayes

  2. Hello!

    I just want to confirm the movie and post date you’ve chosen for the Mary Astor Blogathon (May 3-10).

    We have you listed for PALM BEACH STORY and ACT OF VIOLENCE. Are you still planning on covering both movies?

    Which day would you prefer to post your entry(ies)?

    We want to update the list this week, so if you could get back to me by Wednesday, April 17, that would be terrific!

    Thanks for participating. We’re really looking forward to your entry. 🙂


    R.A. Kerr

    Dorian Tenore-Bartilucci

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